Sunday, October 18, 2009

Spiegelman's Complete Maus (Vol. 1 and 2)/Barefoot Gen-Commentary

I must admit that I wasn't really impressed by the artistic ability of Mr. Spiegelman. There were just some places where I abhorred the drawings . BUT!! Overall Maus is a very good graphic novel in my mind, and that everyone should try to read it. Personally I have always like to learn about history and I do like reading it. But its also good to hear another side of a historic story. Especially if that person when through it and survived the experience. Just the fear and anxiety that was in the book leaked out threw the pages, even though EVERYONE were animals. The emotions, body postures and conflicts made it seem more like a movie than mere history. But it wasn't something glamourous and I am just glad that Mr. Spiegelman had made this graphic novel. There were times when you got so annoyed at his father and his "miser" like ways. You feel the struggle Spiegelman has himself of trying to be a good son even though he detests his own farther. This relation is only bridged when they story of the past is told. The fear, bias and hatred of the Nazis regime. The many brave families that fought for survival. and the bitter end of a struggle that had took so many..... A good graphic novels grabs your senses, your hear and your soul. It makes you question your soul and makes you compare to your own life experience. It was good.

The same goes for Barefoot Gen. I like the "simplicity" of the animation. The detail and colors that truly enliven that Japanese setting. It is hard to realize that the bombing they tried to depict in the movie actually happened. To know that millions not only died on impact but also afterwards for various reasons. It definitely took on social issues that we as Americans understand but I am sure hits home more for people of Japanese descent.

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