Friday, October 19, 2012

Wally Pfister!!

Digital 2012

Just recently had one of the most successful and amazing cinematographer Wally Pfister visit my college (Ringling College of Art and Design). It was awesome to be able to go with the rest of film majors and have a Q & A with him. What impressed me about him was his knowledge of lighting and the importance it has in all films. I was tasked with others in my class to do a poster that put him in one of his many films. I, of-course, felt that I had to do Batman. As I worked on it, I realized that this was the first time I really had seriously drawn anything Batman related. Personally, I love Marvel more but Batman has always been the best in general. Also, talk about the uproar the media tried to make about Wally Pfister comment about "The Avengers". I can assure you, since I was actually there, that he was only concerned about the camera work. His comment was based on his knowledge of being a veteran cinematographer. I personally really like that movie but there are definitely issues with it. It was just his professional opinion and its hard to argue with someone who has so much experience in that area. I was just glad that he was willing to visit our school.

For more info about him check these websites:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Illustrated Book Cover

"Dragon's Labyrinth"- Digital Painting 2012

This was done as a book cover illustration. Being a ravenous reader since back in the day, I have always enjoyed fantasy novels. From Dragons of Pern, the Lord of the Rings, and The Dark Elf Trilogy I have enjoyed the cover artwork that was done for them. They truly captured your imagination and set the visual tone when you started to read the book. So I wanted to try to do my very own fantasy based cover. Of course, what's a fantasy novel without a dragon. In this particular story I was imaging that the hero travels with a minotaur and his saurian/dog like pet on this grand adventure. But "Oh NO!" they are being chased by this immense dragon. But *Spoiler Alert* the dragon actually wants to help them. The one that is actually dangerous is the one I show flying in the distance on the top right. So I had a lot of fun doing this one. Still improving and I'm not done.                      
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