Monday, December 7, 2009

Revised: Will Eisner- A Contract with God

This is truly a great narrative story married to a wonderful comic. I trully appreciate graphic novels. I have always been an avid reader. Somedays I hide myself from everyone just so that I could finish a book the same day. I liked reading comics but sometimes the lack of a plot or somekind of story with some more 'weight' made me put them aside. I always looked at the pictures and illustrations but usually rushed through the words. NOT SO! with graphic novels. I really like the vertical layout Mr. Eisner has in his graphic novel. It gives it a feeling of a book. But Mr. Eisner takes it a step forward and put the words with the illustration. A cartoon that is unlike a cartoon. This why it is appealing to many people around the world. People who would dare not read a comic, relish reading graphic novels. The switching over of comics first being for kids to everyday literature to me is amazing. It shows the hunger people have for knowledge. I believe that as a medium that in the future comics will reach people in areas that traditionally comics could never reach. It is a new art form, a illustrated manual, words and images that are relatable to all mankind. I truly believe that if young children are exposed to comics/graphic novels at a younger age that they will be able to read more efficiently and increase their knowledge. I believe that as a country we should encourage this medium even more. I always feel like Japan has recognized this and that is how manga is so prevalent over there. Comics are a way of escape, to be able to delve into your dreams and desires. Just like books and novels, they should be treasured. As an artist I do hope that one day that I could make my own comics. Not because I am a super fan of comics, or read them avidly. But because of the freedom they give to the producer. The ability to develop your own characters, stories, beliefs and ideas. Thats the power of comics, and I don't see this power ever shrinking in the future.

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