Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer + Job= Less Art :(

Yeah. There are a lot of times when you have other responsibilities you have to do. Like actually working to save up a money. But that is no excuse for not honing your draftsmanship skills. That's what I have found myself doing recently. Going back to the fundamentals. Getting better at drawing proportionally, drawing more expressions, varying different types of characters. It also doesn't help when I had lost my bamboo tablet pen and now have to buy a new tablet. At least it will be a intous 3  but then I have to wait for it to come here and etc. I cannot wait for next semester. One thing I love to see and to keep on doing is to improve in big leaps. That is what seems to happen to me all the time. It also helps when you go to such an awesome school as Ringling College. You can receive so much help from friends, classmates and the amazing professors. August can't come to soon!


  1. You're looking forward to the end of Summer and the start of another school year!? If you weren't so talented & set to take the industry by storm I would almost think you're an academic. Tsk. :)

    1. Its true. No matter what field I would have been in I always love researching. I really love libraries.


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